Tag: Systemd

Reading Time: 7 minutes

CentOS Options

With the recent announcement by CentOS 8 regarding the switch from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream, this commonly used Linux distribution is being relegated to a mid-stage development version of RHEL. In essence, CentOS 8 becomes an early rolling-release distro for RHEL. As CentOS moves from being a follow-up distribution to the stable version of RedHat, to be, in effect, a prerelease version of RHEL, many users are looking for alternatives to replace their current operating systems with a long-term stable platform apart from RHEL and IBM who owns RedHat. 

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

What is MongoDB?

mongodb logo

MongoDB is a documented database management system that does not require the description of a table scheme. It is representative of a NoSQL based system (NoSQL is an approach to implement a scalable database storage system within a flexible data model), which uses JSON like documents and database schemas often used in web development. It is written in C, C++, JavaScript, and since it is cross-platform, it allows one to deploy it on any platform.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is MongoDB?

mongodb logo

MongoDB is a documented database management system that does not require the description of the table scheme. It is an example of NoSQL systems (NoSQL - this is an approach to implement scalable db storage with a flexible data model), MongoDB uses JSON like documents and a database scheme. It is often used in web-development along with Big data. MongoDB is written in C++, C, and JavaScript. It is also cross-platform, which lets us deploy it on multiple platforms.  

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

MongoDB is a NoSQL database intended for storing large amounts of data in document-oriented storage with dynamic schemas. NoSQL refers to a database with a data model other than the tabular format used in relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL. MongoDB features include: full index support, replication, high availability, and auto-sharding.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

What is Systemctl? 

The systemctl command is a utility which is responsible for examining and controlling the systemd system and service manager. It is a collection of system management libraries, utilities and daemons which function as a successor to the System V init daemon. The new systemctl commands have proven quite useful in managing a servers services. It provides detailed information about specific systemd services, and others that have server-wide utilization.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

PostgreSQL supports many client authentication methods, but in this case we’re only going to concern ourselves with two: password and md5.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

What is Tomcat?

In this article, we will be demonstrating how to install Apache Tomcat on CentOS 8. Before we begin, let's define exactly what Apache Tomcat is. Apache defines Tomcat as: "An open-source, servlet container, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language, and WebSocket technology that also acts as a web server. It affords a "pure Java" based HTTP server environment in which Java can be executed." Tomcat works with the Java programming language and is associated with web applications written in Java.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

What is Firewalld?

Firewalld is a dynamically-managed, Linux-based firewall management tool that supports network/firewall zones. These zones define the level of trust for network connections or interfaces.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Apache Tomcat is an accessible, open-source application server used to house many of today applications. It's free, stable, lightweight and is utilized to render Java coding as well a range of other applications.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Systemd is an init system used by several common Linux Distributions which has gained popularity since 2015. A Linux init system is the first process or daemon started on a system after the initial boot process, and manages services, daemons, and other system processes. Systemd is composed of unit files that contain the initialization instructions for the daemons which it controls. While many portions of a system can be managed with systemd, this article will focus on managing services.

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